Frequently asked questions.

What is the ideal length of the hair for sugaring?

Sugaring can be done when the hair is 1/16" but for best results the hair needs to be 1/8th". Also a minimum of 2 weeks are required between 2 sessions.

Is there anytime I should not be sugared?

We do not recommend sugaring if you are on any kind of skin lightening/ thinning medication. If you are taking any skin thinning medication like Retin-A, you must take a patch test. In case of Accutane, a cooling period of 6 months is essential after you stop medication. 

Is there anytime I should avoid threading?

Will the medication I take affect sugaring/ threading?

We recommend taking a patch test for Retin-A and complete cool off of 6 months for Accutane. Also, if you have had any chemical peels or laser treatments, sugaring/threading is not recommended. Sugaring is not guaranteed over moles, sores or broken skin.

Can I get sugared when pregnant?

Sugaring is totally safe. Sugaring is much more safer and comfortable than petroleum based waxes. The  paste used for sugaring is 100% natural.

Can I do threading while pregnant?


Will my skin react to sugaring?  

While sugaring is a totally safe method of hair removal, Sugaring on villous hair can cause histamine reaction. We do a Patch test before sugaring to make sure you are safe.

Should we do a patch test? 

Yes. We recommend and always do a patch test before sugaring

Will my skin react to threading?

Reaction to threading is very rare. Villous hair may cause some irritation or reaction, mostly on first time clients “

How should I prepare for threading? 

A special preparation is not necessary for threading. Being makeup-free and clean skin helps

How should I prepare for sugaring?

We recommend taking  shower before coming in, make sure skin is clean and dry

How should I care for after threading? 

While a very special care is not necessary after threading, the pores tend to be open after threading. Do not touch skin as it can get infected easily. Not unlike any other hair removal service.

What post sugaring care should I do? 

Exfoliating helps. Avoid exercise or any other sweat inducing activity immediately after sugaring. Avoid tight clothing, sunbathing or tanning between sessions or after sugaring. Avoid activities that involve friction or heat generation.

Can I reschedule or cancel?

We understand that everything does not always go as planned. We however request a 24 hrs cancellation notice.

Do you welcome walk-ins?

Due to the current situation, we do not encourage walk-ins at this time, however same day appointments are available, please click here to check availability and book.